What basic oil painting colors should you choose when you start?

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asked May 27, 2013 in Drawing Techniques

1 Answer

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That will depend on who you're asking, as opinion differ from artist to artist, and from art teacher to art teacher.

For instance, in Oil Painting for the Beginner i suggest the following basic list of colors as a starter: 

·         White Lead (Flake White)

·         Prussian Blue

·         Ultramarine Blu

·         Viridian Green (Chro-moxide Green

·         Transparent)

·         Yellow Ochre

·         Cadmium Yellow

·         Venetian Red

·         Cadmium Red

·         Alizarin Crimso

·         Burnt Sienna

·         Burnt Umber and

·         Ivory Black


answered May 27, 2013