Is there a big different between water lilies and lotus?

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Both lotus and water lilies grow in water.They also kind of look the same.Is there a big different between them?
asked Jul 12, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

4 Answers

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I found and copied this website for you about the differences between them.

Most gardeners are familiar with water lilies, from Monet’s paintings of the water lilies grown in his remarkable garden in Giverny. They're part of the western tradition of gardening but lotuses are entirely different. We're familiar with them from Chinese paintings. 

Most people think of them as tropical plants, but in fact both water lilies and lotuses grow as far south as Victoria. They thrive in small garden ponds, pots and containers, and bring life to a water garden. 
Geoff Cochrane has been growing aquatic plants on his property in the Yarra Valley outside Melbourne for the past five years. During that time, he and his partner have managed to collect and successfully cultivate some 150 varieties of water lilies and 200 varieties of lotuses from all over the world.


answered Jul 12, 2013
0 votes
i dont know most likely one is refered to in a chinesse or japanesse or some of that type of culture while the other is refered to and is semed to be used more often on american standards.
answered Jul 12, 2013
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lotus is tropical. Water lilies can be tropical but many are a cold weather plant.
answered Jul 12, 2013
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water lillies have their leaves on the surface of the water where lotus leaves will stick out above the water level. Lotus also need a bigger area of water to perform at thier best, where minature water lillies can grow and bloom in quite shallow water.
answered Jul 12, 2013