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How to Paint on China Dishes

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asked Jul 9, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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Painting china dishes can be a great hobby or a good restoration project as well, depending on your own specific needs. The paint that is needed is fairly cheap and easy to find, and the hobby or restoration can be enjoyable if you have a patient attitude. Also, you can use a few different types of paint for this activity, which makes it even easier to do. If you want to repair a dish with chipped paint, you can use the same steps as you would when painting a dish as a craft activity, so these instructions can benefit anyone.
Clean the china that you will be using in this project with water. Use the sponge or rag to get any dirt or grime off of it to prepare the area you will be painting.
Gently apply paint to the surface you are painting. Stroke in smooth and flowing movements, and try not to make any lines on the surface choppy.
Dip your brush in a cup filled with water, if you're using multiple colors, to get your previous paint color out of the bristles. Wipe the brush with a paper towel.
Use as many layers of paint as needed to make your china look solid. Allow the paint to dry completely.
Add designs if you'd like by drawing them onto the china or using stencils.
answered Jul 9, 2013