Any Thoughts About Invention of the Paint Tube?

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I've heard that the originally artists made up their own paint (or, rather, the studio apprentice did) using the pigments they bought. Then, when did the paint tube come out?
asked Jun 4, 2013 in History

2 Answers

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The first ready-made paint was sold by colormen in pig's bladders, which you punched a hole in to get the paint out and then sealed with a tack. The next invention was a glass syringe, with the plunger squeezing the paint out, invented by the English artist James Hams in 1822. Then in 1841 the American portrait oil painting reproductions painter John Goffe Rand invented the squeezable or collapsible metal tube.
answered Jun 5, 2013
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"My invention related to a mode of preserving paints and other fluids by confining them in a close metallic vessels so constructed as to collapse with slight pressure and thus force out the paint or fluid contained therein... a screw-cap as is show, by which means the fluid contained can be from time to time removed and the end c closed air-tight by the cap." -- John G Rand's patent for the invention of the paint tube
answered Jun 5, 2013