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How to Paint Pictures of Bamboo

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asked Jul 10, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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If you have artistic talent, you can create a wonderful painting of bamboo trees. You can use any oil, acrylic, or any kind of paint you want. Select appropriate colors that are vibrant and will bring your bamboo to life on canvas.
Obtain an image of bamboo plants on the Internet, in a book of illustrations or in a magazine. National Geographic is a good magazine to search for a photo of bamboo in its native China. Keep an image nearby to use as a guide as you begin. Or, if you like, go to your local botanical garden to see live bamboo and bring your digital camera along to take your own photos.
Using a small, fine-tipped paintbrush, apply thin strokes to fill out the stalk of the bamboo tree with an appropriate color of paint. You may want to mix a shade of brown with yellow to obtain a suitable hue.
Clean your brush in water or use another one to paint the leaves a vibrant, medium-light shade of green.
Fill in details and shading of the stalk and leaves, using different, darker or lighter hues of paint where appropriate.
answered Jul 10, 2013