What paint should I use?

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So, I'm decorating some class cider bottles. I've covered them in watered down pva glue and newspaper to give the paint something to grip to. I have then painted them white and then painted them all abstract and funky using acrylic paint!! I want to now make these waterproof as I wanto to use them as vases, is there some sort of waerproof gloss or varnish I can use on top of the design to firstly make it waterproof, but also to add some shine to it?
asked Jul 7, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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a clear coat will do it, it comes in spray cans. when you paint, use all water based then spray it with clear. if you paint with oil paint any paint use -- 1shot -- is a yellow wrap. this paint is glossy and it is ready to use. we used for truck lettering and pin striping. do not use any paint made for canvas
answered Jul 7, 2013