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What are Forms of Chinese Dragon Art

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asked Jul 3, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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While the true origin of dragons in Chinese mythology remains unknown, these legendary creatures have played a major role in every area of Chinese culture, beliefs and art. For centuries, dragons, and the virtues they stand for, have been honored through depiction, song, dance and other forms of art among the Chinese. These scaled, serpentine creatures of lore traditionally feature nine distinct animal characteristics: a camel's head, deer's horns, hare's eyes, bull's ears, iguana's neck, frog's belly, tiger's paws, eagle's claws and scales like a carp's.
Sculptures of Chinese dragons have been found by archeologists that pre-date written history, and artists have continued to use this medium to honor these mystical creatures for thousands of years. Dragon sculptures have adorned the homes, businesses, gardens, parks and palaces of the Chinese for centuries, traditionally made from wood, stone, jade, bronze, ceramic or porcelain. Among the most famous and well-preserved statues depicting Chinese dragons is the Nine Dragon Wall in Beijing, a giant singular piece that has drawn awe-inspired crowds since its completion in the 1700s.
Images of dragons have been incorporated into Chinese textiles since artisans mastered the techniques of embroidery, screen printing and other design methods over the centuries. From tapestries, hankerchiefs and war banners to the imperial robes of the Chinese emperors, dragons have adorned textile pieces as symbols of good fortune, strength and power. Since at least the 1st century B.C., Chinese emperors have worn elaborate robes decorated with images of dragons, and by the time of the Qing dynasty (1644--1911), their family, inner circle and other high-ranking officials wore dragon robes as well.
Dragon Puppets
Dragon puppets are made to be worn by dragon dancers on special occasions such as Chinese New Year, parades and the opening of a new business. These giant, "life-sized" dragons are made of colorful cloth, wood and other decorations, and they are manipulated by dancers who support the puppet from below with poles. Dragon dancers perform choreographed moves to the beat of drums or music to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune to the area.
Chinese dragons have been painted on a wide variety of materials over the centuries, including rice paper, wood and silk. Dragons continue to be painted on Chinese walls, pottery items and even glass, as these mystical creatures maintain their position as one of China's most lucky and revered beings. By having paintings of dragons throughout their homes, offices and public spaces, the Chinese surround themselves with an image of wisdom, prosperity and health every day.
answered Jul 3, 2013