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What are the 3 forms of Cubism?

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asked Sep 7, 2013 in History

1 Answer

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analytical Cubism (1910-1912). The object is déconstruit, and all its facets are represented in fragments, without any regard for the prospect; this phase of research is characterized by a chromatism very little saturated (gray, brown, green, blue tern). On the other hand, the light occupies a very important place; it is distributed differently on each fragment. Relate to primarily Pablo Picasso, (cf the player of guitar , 1910) and Directs, which cooperates and competes of inventiveness for always pushing the step further. Their fabrics tend to abstract stylization.

synthetic Cubism (1912-1914). This period is characterized by the return of the color and the use of the technique of joining (papers, objects). The painter selects the most relevant facets of the déconstruit object (contrary to the second phase, where there is no selection). Elements of reality are reintroduced, in particular by the joining of papers or giving indications of matter to the object represented (false wood or oil-cloth). Cf Pablo Picasso, Guitar and bottle of Bottom , 1913. Direct and especially Juan Gris will give to this style a rigor and a traditional serenity.

Cubism orphic . The name is given by Guillaume Apollinaire in connection with the two principal representatives of this form of cubism: Robert Delaunay and his wife Sonia Delaunay. The color is detached from any form and allows creation, in their works, of coloured concentric circles, giving rate/rhythm and speed to the table.

answered Sep 7, 2013