Why did Raphael choose to draw those people on the painting, school of athens?

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Can you guys tell me why raphael idolized these people? How did Raphael's ideals of renaissance influence who he drew? He was a renaissance man but why did he idolize ancient thinkers?
asked Jul 3, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Raphael used himself as well as Michelangelo and Leonardo (among others) as models for the figures in The School of Athens. The figures pictured represent many of the great Ancient Greek philosophers, scientists and mathematicians. A list of the people pictured can be found on good ol wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_School_…

Considering that the Renaissance was a time where the ideals and aesthetics of the Ancient world were "reborn", it is fitting that a Renaissance artist like Raphael would pay tribute to the Ancient Greeks in that painting.

answered Jul 3, 2013