Is Paul Cezanne's painting Apples and Oranges a successful piece of artwork?

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I need to answer this for an art essay. Is it a successful piece of artwork? (you can Google Apples and Oranges Paul Cezanne and it should come up)
asked Jul 1, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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Yes; as David Sylvester has said: `An apple or an orange was perhaps the best possible subject he could have: first, because while working from nature, he could still dispose it as he wished; secondly, because it carried no strong emotional overtones to distract him from realizing his sensations; thirdly, because such objects presented, far more readily than landscape, the possibility of finding those clear and regular forms, like orders of architecture, which are needed for the creation of a monumental art.'
answered Jul 1, 2013
0 votes
There is something wrong with your art teacher who assigns such a rediculous essay. There is only one way in the world to know if that painting was successful or not and that is to ask the artist himself. Cezanne has been dead for over 100 years.
answered Jul 1, 2013