Is The Vatican decorated solely by Michelangelo?

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What I mean is, for the most part, was it Michelangelo who was commissioned to paint and put sculptures inside the vatican walls. Or were there others? 

Note: I am asking this because I couldn't find an answer, more than a yes/no answer will be rewarded.

asked Jun 18, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Pope Julius 11 not only commissioned Michelangelo paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. Julius, but commisioned wall paintings in four rooms from Raphael - now known as Stanze di Raffaello, in the Vatican). (He also hired Bramante to construct an impressive new basilica in place of old St. Peter's - but this is work of architecture). Michelangelo did not put his sculptures into the Vatican, they were placed there after his death. For example, Michelangelo's Pieta (sculpture of Mary and her dead son) is now in the Vatican but its original site was the Chapel of Santa Petronilla, a Roman mausoleum near the south transept of St. Peter's, which the Cardinal chose as his funerary chapel. The chapel was later demolished by Bramante during his rebuilding of the basilica. .
answered Jun 18, 2013