What do you think is the most important thing Leonardo Da Vinci ever did?

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I have to do a major project in school about a person. I REALy want to do it on Da Vinci, but I have to focus on a specific thing that he did. What did he do that affects us most today? I dont want it to be a painting, like the mona lisa, because it doesnt really affect us, it is just really famous.

asked Jun 8, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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While visiting Rome, he cut in half a number of lenses and then affixed them to a glass cylinder and stuck a candle in it, making a VERY powerful lamp -- much like those used in lighthouses for well over a century.
Leo worked as a designer of military hardware: he designed the first battle wagon. He was a dreamer. It was some of his "maps" that were purchased by a Geno-an explorer who used them to find "America." At the time, people would go to him and describe fanciful people and places and Leo would draw them. Call him one of the first great fiction writers. That explorer? Christopher Columbus.
answered Jun 8, 2013
0 votes

I'm not sure if you can squeak this in under the guidelines you've been given...
The most important thing he did, in my opinion, is show "Mankind" what s/he was capable of. He thought "outside the box," often p'ing people off - very important people - while doing so. He let the plebeians know that Humankind was capable of living a MUCH better life.

answered Jun 8, 2013