What should the introduction of my essay about Leonardo da Vinci be?

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I have to write about an artist from the Renaissance period and I decided to study about Leonardo da Vinci. We need to write the essay in the artist's tool's perspesctive. [example:] " I am the paint pallet of Vinci. With my pallet, he created many works such as...." I don't know what to write for my introduction paragraph and I don't know which tool I should be using for the essay... Please help with this! Thank you. :)

asked Jun 7, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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Leonardo da Vinci was born on the fifteenth of April, 1452, near the
town of Vinci, not far from Florence. He was the son of a Florentine notary,
Piero da Vinci, and a young woman named Caterina. Leonardo spent most of his
life in Florence and Milan.
In 1469 he was apprenticed to Andrea Verrocchio, a leading Renaissance
master. Leonardo acquired a variety of skills while he remained at the workshop
until 1476. He left Florence for Milan in about 1482 to work for Duke Lodovico
Sforza. He stayed in Milan for nearly eighteen years. During his time there he
applied his knowledge of mechanics to his obligations as a civil and military
engineer. He also took up study in anatomy, biology, mathematics, and physics.http://www.oppapers.com/essays/Leonardo-…
answered Jun 7, 2013
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I don't know a lot about art but I know a bit about writing essays....I would start out with some biographical information and how it pertains to whichever tool you choose. Maybe there is a personal reason he chose to create in a specific medium. If you're allowed to do research, I'd find out!

answered Jun 7, 2013