Paintings include:
Tobias and the Angel c1473 National Gallery London
This is by Verocchio but Leonardo is thought to have worked on it also as he was one of Verocchio's apprentices.
Annunciation 1472-74 Ufffizi Florence
This is one of Leonardo's early works and it shows in his spacial construction.
Madonna and Child with a Carnation 1475-76
The Baptism of Christ 1472-76 Uffizi Florence
Another from the workshop of Verocchio. Leonardo is said to have piainted one of the angels.
Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci 1476-78
St Jerome praying in the Wilderness c1480
Madonna and Child (The Benois Madonna) c1479-80
Madonna Litta c1481-97
Adoration of the Magi c1479-81
Virgin of the Rocks 1483-c1490
Portrait of a Musician c1485
Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (The Lady with the Ermine) 1490
Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery, London) c1495-1508
Portrait of a Lady (La Belle Ferronière) c1496-97
Last Supper c1495-98
Sala delle Asse c1498-99
Madonna of the Yarnwinder c1501-07
Mona Lisa 1503-16
Madonna, Child, St Anne and a Lamb 1508-17
St John the Baptist 1508-16
Bacchus 1513-16