Help to Start Up a Painting and Decorating Business

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asked Aug 9, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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A skilled painter and decorator can turn his talents into a lucrative part- or full-time business venture. Both residential and commercial customers rely on painting and decorating companies to help them update and beautify their spaces. You can run your business from home, provided that you have plenty of space to store your painting and decoration tools, supplies and equipment and space in your home for a small office.

    Protect Your Business
    Whether you run a small painting and decorating business from your home, or set up shop inside of office space in your target area, it's important to run your venture as a legal business. Do this by contacting your local chamber of commerce to determine how to register your business as a legal entity in your state. Find out if you need a special license, permit or certification to operate your business. Work with an insurance agent to protect your business from possible litigation. Investigate the costs associated with general liability insurance and how it can benefit your painting and decorating business. Find out if there are other types of business insurances you can take advantage of.

    Identify Your Target Market
    Although both residential and commercial clients may seek your services, it's up to you to outline your ideal target market. Be specific, by pegging your target audience based on information, such as their geographic locations, whether they own homes or run businesses, their average salaries, education level and reasons for seeking your services. This information will help you determine how to price your services and the best ways to reach the customers you want to acquire. Find out if there are other businesses in your area offer painting and decorating services to this market.

    List Your Services
    Be clear about the types of services your painting and decorating business will offer customers. Consider whether you can create a niche based on your expertise. For example, if you focus on faux finishes, highlight this as a primary service. A niche can help you differentiate your business from your competition. Your services will be largely defined by the types of customers you aim to reach. This will help you as you communicate what your company does to potential clients, business associates and employees. Assign pricing to each of your services.

    Use Local Marketing Tactics
    Dive into your local area and start marketing your business to the people who will likely sign up for your painting and decorating services. Using tactics, such as social networks, to connect with potential clients can help you build visibility for your business. You can also hire a team to place door knob hangers on residences and commercial spaces, purchase advertising space in local print and web publications and get listed in local home improvement directories. Get involved with local business, professional and networking organizations. By partnering with these groups, you can introduce your services to the community and position yourself among other small business owners who may be able to send leads your way.
answered Aug 9, 2013