How to say chinese brush painting in spanish?

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would it be something like "pincel pintura de chino" thats proabaly not right and thatas why im asking. thank you
asked Aug 1, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

3 Answers

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brush paint could be of two types the one you use to paint paintings and the ones you use to paint walls. they both have different names
brush to paint = pincel
brush to paint walls = brocha
1) un pincel chino 
2) una brocha china
answered Aug 1, 2013
0 votes
pincel pintura or pincel para pintura are both correct for "brush painting". It's evident that the word "brush" must be included because there's rarely any painting from China which isn't made by using a brush. 
de China = from China
chino = Chinese 
Chino = a Spanish nickname
de Chino = from someone nicknamed Chino.
answered Aug 1, 2013
0 votes
- Pincel chino para pintar.
- Pincel chino.
Both are correct. In Spanish is right saying "pincel" instead "pincel para pintar", because a brush painting is for painting.
Hope it helped
answered Aug 1, 2013