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Is there anyone willing to spare me a Chinese Painting Brush..?

0 votes
I live in England, is there any possibility that you might be able to spare a hand of perhaps having a chinese brush. I've seen lots of chinese paintings and I would like to practise them too. I love the confidence, calmness, and gentleness of each stroke. I hope it would be possible. Thank you again =) Pls email me if it's okay for you =) THank you again!! ^_^
asked Jul 16, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

0 votes
i have a gently used one i used it once or twice. at some book stores you can buy sets with how to step by step .
answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes
a bamboo brush is what they are called. Here is link to one but they may have other brands as well. good luck!
answered Jul 16, 2013