What was the name of a famous painting with a little girl with an indistinguishable face?

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i know nothing about art and im not gonna lie i dont have much information. the girl MAY be in a blue dress and is with her mother(?)

her facial expression is however indistinguishable due to the light. if anyone can tell me the name of this painting or anything that might be close PLEASE let me know!

asked Jun 9, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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Could it be a Mary Cassat? Cassat is famous for her mother-child drawings and paintings. Take a peek and see if it is; if not, I'll keep thinking LOL!


Maybe "Madame Monet and Child", Claude Monet
"Cagnes Landscape with Woman and Child", Pierre Renoir
"Red Hat", Pierre Renoir
"Mother and Child", Bernhard Gutmann
"Young Woman among the Flowers", Edouard Manet

Renoir also uses the theme of Mother and Child in many of his works...

answered Jun 9, 2013