Mantegna, one of the prodigies of Italian painting, had already established his reputation by the age of eighteen. This work must have been painted when he was in his early twenties, and it already shows the painter's astonishing descriptive gifts fully developed. Although the subject of the picture is traditional, Mantegna has incorporated details that give prominence to artistic achievement and also enhance the expressive treatment of the figures. He also incorporates a strategy of devotional literature of the period that urges the reader to imagine the Biblical events of the distant past in terms of contemporary, everyday life. The classically garbed figure of the sleeping Joseph thus serves as a counterpoint to the two shepherds, who are shown in tattered, contemporary dress, one with hands joined prayerfully, the other having doffed his hat; both about to kneel. The rocky foreground contrasts with the gentle green plane in the distance where, on the banks of the curving river, can be seen a shepherd greeted by an angel and a man with two barrels waiting for the arrival of a barge on the opposite bank; also shown is a seated woman spinning and chickens feeding. The Virgin is shown in rapt devotion, with her child lying on the hem of her robe in an audaciously foreshortened pose, his head surrounded by cherubim, their features highlighted with shell gold.
The original masterpiece Adoration of the Shepherds was created in 1906. Today it has been carefully recreated by artisoo artist detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!

Varje målning är handmålade precis för dig

Våra målningar är 100% handmålade av konstnärer med oljefärg på en riktig duk. Vi använder aldrig digital teknologi eller skär hörn.

Fantastiskt Borste Verk
Våra konstnärer fokuserar på varje detalj av konstverk för att verkställa det i den trognaste vägen och att ge varje målning en unik charm.

Delikat Ram
Våra målningar är sträckta på träramar med hög kvalitet. Våra ramar är vackra, starka och hållbara.

Redo att Hänga
Vår målning är redan sträckt: kanterna är avslutade och täckt med duk - målningen är redo att hänga direkt ur lådan.

Inspirerad Konst
De originella motiven presenteras av Artisoo skapas av konstnärer från de mest prestigefyllda konstskolor och Konstakademierna.

Vi använder endast Marie museum kvalitet färg eftersom det är miljövänlig och aldrig bleknar.