The Beach at Pourville is a painting by Claude Monet, the French impressionist. It is a small oil on canvas painting, measuring just 23.62 by 28.74 inches, executed in 1882. It belongs to the Polish National Museum in Poznan.
Although Monet is probably best known for his horticultural paintings, he produced many works influenced by his surroundings. The artist spent the winter of 1882 in Pourville. He enjoyed the time spent there and returned with his family the following summer. The Beach at Pourville is one of the paintings he created there.
The painting depicts the deserted beach with cliffs at either end. About two thirds of the painting is taken up by sea and sky.
Improve the look of your space by hanging Claude Monet painting The Beach at Pourville. Today, this painting is hand-painted by artisoo artists detail by detail, color by color as close to the original oil painting as possible. Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!
Varje målning är handmålade precis för dig
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Delikat Ram
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Redo att Hänga
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Inspirerad Konst
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Vi använder endast Marie museum kvalitet färg eftersom det är miljövänlig och aldrig bleknar.