The Card Players is a famous oil painting by Paul Cezanne, who was a renowned post-impressionist French artist. He painted this remarkable artwork during his final period, which was in the early 1890s. Cezanne created a variety of sizes and versions of the painting, as presented in the number of players present in the artwork. Furthermore, he completed several sketches and analysis as he prepared for the different series of The Card Players. One of the versions of The Card Players was priced at around $250 million to $300 million, and it was sold in 2011. Hence, it was considered as the most expensive artwork that was ever sold.
The artist adapted a theme from the Dutch and French genres of painting of the 17th century, which presented card games played by drunken and rowdy gamblers in taverns. However, Cezanne replaced these figures with stone-faced and serious tradesmen in a rather simplified setting. While most paintings during that era were quite emotional, Cezanne's artworks were known for their lack of emotions, conventional characterization and narration. Moreover, there are no signs of drama or sentiments, which were prominent images of 17th century paintings.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Paul Cézanne painting The Card Players. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!
Varje målning är handmålade precis för dig
Våra målningar är 100% handmålade av konstnärer med oljefärg på en riktig duk. Vi använder aldrig digital teknologi eller skär hörn.
Fantastiskt Borste Verk
Våra konstnärer fokuserar på varje detalj av konstverk för att verkställa det i den trognaste vägen och att ge varje målning en unik charm.
Delikat Ram
Våra målningar är sträckta på träramar med hög kvalitet. Våra ramar är vackra, starka och hållbara.
Redo att Hänga
Vår målning är redan sträckt: kanterna är avslutade och täckt med duk - målningen är redo att hänga direkt ur lådan.
Inspirerad Konst
De originella motiven presenteras av Artisoo skapas av konstnärer från de mest prestigefyllda konstskolor och Konstakademierna.
Vi använder endast Marie museum kvalitet färg eftersom det är miljövänlig och aldrig bleknar.