Created by Auguste Renoir, Two Young Girls at the Piano is an oil painting on canvas. It's 44 x 34 inches and is part of the Robert Lehman collection.
Around 1891 or 1892, Renoir was asked to create a painting for the Musee du Lexembourg museum in Paris by the French government. This museum was made for the work of living artists; so many historical pieces were stored there. Renoir chose the subject based on the domestic life of bourgeois.
The scene in this piece depicts two young girls sitting at a piano and playing music. One blonde-haired girl is playing while holding the notes in front of her. The brunette girl is standing beside her chair looking at the notes with her. Both are in dresses and have long hair with bows tied in them. The background features a blue curtain with a cream colored wall. The piano is a dark brown wood and there is a vase with bright colored flowers sitting on top of it.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Renoir painting Girls at the Piano. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!
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