A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Georges Pierre Seurat is one of the most influential paintings in art history. It is depicting an afternoon landscape of a park with numerous picnickers appearing to watch sailboats on the water. It features simple lines, vivid colors, and detailed accuracy of light and shadow.
The work exudes a feeling of harmony, not only in colors and form, but in the scene itself. While it is quite deliberately a mundane scene of a typical Paris afternoon, it carefully portrays all ages and social classes, coexisting peacefully.
Using complementary or contrasting base colors in tiny increments, instead of mixing the desired shade of paint, the desired color blending would appear to the naked eye. This was believed to be more reflective of a real world experience, and therefore incite a more intuitive response from the viewer. However, this scientific approach to art and emotion was quite controversial at the time.
The meticulous care, smooth lines, and realistic colors of this painting, and the Neo-impression style were not well-received at the time. It was criticized as too mechanical, in contrast to the spontaneity and rough brush strokes of the impressionist movement that dominated the art world at the time.
Why settle for a paper print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a high quality 100% hand-painted oil painting on canvas at wholesale price? Order this beautiful oil painting today! That's a great way to impress friends, neighbors and clients alike. With Artisoo gallery very affordable price and 90-day money back guarantee, it has never been easier to own your own version of A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. Purchase one now!

Cada pintura é pintada à mão só para você

Pintado à Mão
Nossas pinturas 100% são pintadas à mão por artistas de peritos, com tinta a óleo em uma tela real. Nós nunca utilizamos a tecnologia digital ou cantos cortados.

Grande trabalho da escova
O nosso artista foca em cada detalhe da obra de arte, a fim de executá-lo da forma mais fiel e de dar a cada pintando um charme único.

Quadro Delicado
As nossas pinturas são esticadas em quadros de madeira de alta qualidade. Os nossos quadros são bonitos, fortes, duráveis.

Pronto para Pendurar
As nossas pinturas já são esticadas: as bordas são terminou fora e cobertas com lona. A pintura está pronta para pendurar fora da caixa.

Arte Inspirada
Os temas originais apresentados por Artisoo são criados por artistas das escolas de arte de maior prestígio e academias de belas artes.

Ambientalmente Amigável
Nós só usamos a pintura do museu de Marie que tem qualidade, porque é ambientalmente amigável e nunca se desvanece.