La Maja Desnuda is an oils on canvas painting by the Spanish painter, Francisco Goya. It is quite large, measuring 38 by 75 inches. The painting was acquired by the Museo del Prado in Madrid in 1910, and remains there to this day. It is not known when exactly Goya did the painting, but most estimates date it between 1797 and 1800, although some date it as early as 1792.
La Maja Desnuda translates into English as "the naked mistress" or "the nude mistress". As the name suggests, the subject of the painting is a naked female. She is depicted lying seductively on a couch.
Her two arms are raised, with her hands behind her head, she has a slight smile, and her two cheeks are noticeably rosy. Her body is tilted towards the viewer. The painting is somewhat unusual in that her pubic hair is depicted. In most western classical paintings up to that time, pubic hair was not to be shown.
All the lighting focus of the painting is on the nude herself and the surface of the couch. The background to the painting is mainly dark and shows no other objects other than a plain wall.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Francisco Goya painting La Maja Desnuda. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!

Cada pintura é pintada à mão só para você

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As nossas pinturas são esticadas em quadros de madeira de alta qualidade. Os nossos quadros são bonitos, fortes, duráveis.

Pronto para Pendurar
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Os temas originais apresentados por Artisoo são criados por artistas das escolas de arte de maior prestígio e academias de belas artes.

Ambientalmente Amigável
Nós só usamos a pintura do museu de Marie que tem qualidade, porque é ambientalmente amigável e nunca se desvanece.