The Kitchen Table by Paul Cezanne is an 1893 still-life oil painting, popularly known for its disjointed point of view. The painting has been portrayed as an impartial composition for its unbalanced parts. It consists of a bottle at the center, an inclined basket with green and red-colored apples, a plate with stacked biscuits and a tablecloth with several apples which seem to have rolled from the inclined basket.
The disjointed perspective of the painting can be noted after examining it closely. Although Cezanne never aimed at illusionism in most of his paintings, in the Basket of Apples it seems as if he completed the piece using 2 different points of view. The right and left sides of the table are not in the same plane as if the table had split into two.
This is a technique which Cezanne used to integrate the distinction of viewpoints into an impressionistic still life. With this technique, Cezanne helped in bridging the gap between Cubism and Impressionism.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Paul Cézanne painting The Kitchen Table. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!

Cada pintura é pintada à mão só para você

Pintado à Mão
Nossas pinturas 100% são pintadas à mão por artistas de peritos, com tinta a óleo em uma tela real. Nós nunca utilizamos a tecnologia digital ou cantos cortados.

Grande trabalho da escova
O nosso artista foca em cada detalhe da obra de arte, a fim de executá-lo da forma mais fiel e de dar a cada pintando um charme único.

Quadro Delicado
As nossas pinturas são esticadas em quadros de madeira de alta qualidade. Os nossos quadros são bonitos, fortes, duráveis.

Pronto para Pendurar
As nossas pinturas já são esticadas: as bordas são terminou fora e cobertas com lona. A pintura está pronta para pendurar fora da caixa.

Arte Inspirada
Os temas originais apresentados por Artisoo são criados por artistas das escolas de arte de maior prestígio e academias de belas artes.

Ambientalmente Amigável
Nós só usamos a pintura do museu de Marie que tem qualidade, porque é ambientalmente amigável e nunca se desvanece.