Claude Monet, the French impressionist painter, completed the painting Snow at Argenteuil in 1875. The painting, which measures 28 by 36 inches, is an oil on canvas work.
Argenteuil is a suburb of Paris and stands on the banks of the Seine. Monet lived there from 1871 to 1879. The area was affected by heavy snow during the winter of 1874-1875. Monet did a total of eighteen paintings of that winter in Argenteuil, of which this one is the largest.
In the center of the painting, two people are seen walking along a snow-covered roadway, the boulevard Saint-Denis, on which Monet lived. In the background, there are several buildings, including a prominent church. The snow is the most striking feature of the painting, with walls, roofs and tree branches all capped with it.
Improve the look of your space by hanging Claude Monet painting Snow at Argenteuil. Today, this painting is hand-painted by artisoo artists detail by detail, color by color as close to the original oil painting as possible. Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!

Cada pintura é pintada à mão só para você

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Os temas originais apresentados por Artisoo são criados por artistas das escolas de arte de maior prestígio e academias de belas artes.

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