This exquisite portrait painting depicts the noble and calm Cecilia Gallerani who is the mistress of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. Later, this work is applied the color by an anonymous person, making this intimate atmosphere more intense. In any case, Cecilia’s beautiful face and hands are apparently out of a master. Moreover, da Vinci has poured the vigor into the overbearing ermine with bright fur.
This exquisite portrait painting depicting the noble and calm Cecilia Gallerani is one of the four pieces of female works of Leonardo Da Vinci (the remaining three are Mona Lisa, The Portrait of Ginevra de' Benci and La belle ferronnière). The process of shading is the most attractive part in this portrait whose light and shadow show the elegant skull and soft face of Cecilia.
Da Vinci frequently theoretically elaborates the illumination of the interior face light source. Moreover, da Vinci is strongly against the light and shadow contrast and uses chiaroscuro (the equalization of light and shade) to create the indirect lighting. Indirect lighting is enabled by a screen or wall to reflect the light. Now this theory has been considered very modern, and in perfect harmony with the methods used by current photographers. Unfortunately, da Vinci's intent is later lost. A window acting as the light source originally outlined in the right corner of this painting is blocked, thereby undermining the figures.
Lady with an Ermine is another outstanding portrait of da Vinci, which reflects the profound realistic skills. The exquisite portrait with a noble and calm figure holding a brilliant white mink coat fully embodies the excellent painting techniques of da Vinci, especially the lifelike ermine making the work vivid. The process of shading is the most attractive part in this portrait which makes this portrait respected by the whole world.
Why not pick one to décor your own space? Or How about giving the oil painting reproduction as a gift? Buy Lady with an Ermine from Artisoo now!

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