Special Price: $107.10 $65.33 39% discount
Painting Price: $107.10 $65.33 Frame Price: $0.00 $0.00
Starry Night over the Rhone, a popular painting that was that was drawn in September 1888 by an expressionist artist, Vincent van Gogh. Van Gogh's art is amongst the finest, highly prized and sought-after today.
The painting is set on the banks of Rhone River that passes near Place Lamartine, a place where the artist had rented an apartment. Vincent had sent a sketch of the painting to a friend named Eugene Boch on 2nd September 1888. This particular Arles at night painting is usually classified with other related paintings by Vincent van Gogh that constitutes a Starry Night Works montage. The painting was firstly exhibited in Paris in 1889 at an annual exhibition.
Starry Night over the Rhone is the painting that is said to have given Vincent the perspective that he employed in his later Starry Night paintings. It is differentiated from other Vincent's Starry Night paintings because it contains human beings. The painting shows a starry night over a section of Rhone River at night. It captures the gas lighting in Arles at night and an illuminated sky. The gas lighting reflections are clearly captured against the background of glimmering blue waters of Rhone River. On the foreground there are two individuals (seemingly a couple) strolling along the river banks. The stars in the night are surrounded by an orb of their natural light. Additionally, the painting captures distant structures that are dimly lit by the artificial light.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night Over the Rhone painting. This oil painting reproduction on canvas is in beautiful colors with museum quality. Decorate your home or office with a Starry Night on the Rhone painting from Artisoo.com, painted by professional artists' brushstroke-by-brushstroke while paying close attention to detail.
Every painting is 100% hand-painted by our experienced artists. We stand by our top quality.
Our Paintings are 100% hand painted by expert artists with oil paint on a real canvas.We never use digital technology or cut corners.
Our artists focus on every detail of the artwork in order to execute it in the most faithful way and to give each painting a unique charm.
Apart from unframed paintings, our paintings are stretched on high quality wooden frames.Our frames are beautiful,strong and durable.
Apart from unframed paintings, our paintings are ready to hang right out of the box. For stretched painting: the edges are finished off and covered with canvas.
Finest Oil Paint, bright color and never faded
Advanced Canada Pine Strips, hard materials, shaped under high temperature and smoothly polished
Professional Linen Canvas, special coat and authentic quality
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