Irises was one of the first paintings Van Gogh did while he was at the asylum at Saint-Remy in the last year before his death in 1890. This painting was influenced by Japanese prints, like many of his works. Theo, Van Gogh's brother loved the painting and commented: "It strikes the eye from afar. The Irises are a beautiful study full of air and life."
From the surface, Van Gogh Irises just looks like an average flower portrait without much of anything else featured. The viewer can see an extensive flower garden with deep blue and purple irises in the foreground, framed by various gold-colored flowers in the background. The painting is said to have been influenced by a popular style of Japanese art of the time, reflecting this style through strong outlines, unconventional viewpoints, and an interesting coloring that indicates no identifiable lighting angle.
However, digging deeper into the portrait and researching the background story will reveal an emotional and inspirational story behind the seemingly ordinary painting. The painting was done during the last year of Van Gogh's life, which was unfortunately spent in the confines of an asylum. The irises painted were modeled after the irises featured in the garden of the asylum, where Van Gogh would sit for hours during his treatment. Long time admirers of Van Gogh's paintings will notice a lack of precision in Irises that is not customary of the artist's previous work. Why not grace your home with this reproduction from Artisoo ? It is sure that you will be satisfied!

Elk schilderij is met de hand geverfd speciaal voor u

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Klaar om op te hangen
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Geïnspireerde kunst
De oorspronkelijke motieven gepresenteerd door Artisoo zijn gemaakt door kunstenaars uit de meest prestigieuze kunst scholen en academies voor fijne kunsten.

Wij gebruiken alleen Marie’s museum kwaliteit verf omdat het milieuvriendelijk is en nooit vervaagt.