The Milkmaid has on the surface some resemblance to the painting of Vermeer's predecessors, but both the plan of the picture and the refined style of representation belong to his maturity. The detail of life is rendered here as a bare map of the incidence of light. The optical vocabulary becomes at once so convincing and complete that it is not always recognized how deep is the change, how unexplained in this head for instance the accent of the cheek, how unexpected the omission of drawing at the base of the nose and across the expanse of shadow. There is a wide gulf between this confident manner and the head of the Laughing Girl. The maid's left arm, as comparison with the passage in the Edinburgh picture does not demonstrate, draws from neither its contour form nor supporting detail; the record of tone is bare of the structural modeling of the Dresden Letter Reader. The other arm, equally independent of convention, of necessity relies more on its defining outline, and round it are visible, strangely, the pentimenti which rarely occur in the painter's work.
The Milkmaid has been a favorite picture of those who have seen Vermeer as a simple precursor of Chardin and of Corot. It is perhaps largely in the interests of a uniform progression, in whichever direction, that it has commonly been counted among his early works.
The original masterpiece oil painting was painted in 1658-60. Artisoo artists will meticulously hand paint a reproduction oil painting of The Milkmaid by Johannes Vermeer detail by detail, color by color as close to the original oil painting as possible. Artisoo oil paintings reproduction are all hand painted fine art with no printing involved. Don't settle for a print when a genuine reproduction oil painting will add sophistication to any room and will be admired by many.

Elk schilderij is met de hand geverfd speciaal voor u

Hand geverfd
Onze schilderijen zijn 100% met de hand geverfd door professionele schilders met olieverf op een echt canvas. Wij gebruiken nooit digitale technologie en zoeken nooit de makkelijkste weg.

Fantastisch gebruik van de kwast
Onze schilders richten zich op alle kleine details van het kunstwerk om met de juiste werkwijze elk schilderij een unique charme te geven.

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Onze schilderijen zijn opgespannen op hoge kwaliteit houten frames. Onze frames zijn mooi, sterk en duurzaam.

Klaar om op te hangen
Onze schilderijen zijn al uitgerekt: de randen zijn afgewerkt en bedekt met canvas - het schilderij is klaar om opgehangen te worden direct na het openen van de doos.

Geïnspireerde kunst
De oorspronkelijke motieven gepresenteerd door Artisoo zijn gemaakt door kunstenaars uit de meest prestigieuze kunst scholen en academies voor fijne kunsten.

Wij gebruiken alleen Marie’s museum kwaliteit verf omdat het milieuvriendelijk is en nooit vervaagt.