Cafe Terrace at Night originally painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888, whose painting is characterized by brilliant colors and bold brush strokes. Cafe Terrace at Night (also known as The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum) remains Van Gogh's most famous paintings; it stands as one of the painter's most remarkable works.
The cafe offered a panting study in contrasts: the glow of the gas-lit square and the dark sky illuminated with stars. Vincent in his letter to his sister described the painting as "a night picture without any black in it" and admitted, "it amuses me enormously to paint the night right on the spot."
More than one hundred years after Vincent painted it, the Cafe Terrace is still in Arles serving drinks to its thirsty patrons. It's now called the Cafe Van Gogh, appropriately enough, and has been remodeled to appear as it did more than a century ago—yellow-lit awning and all.
Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night would be a beautiful décor in almost anyone's house. The high quality of an oil painting reproduction makes it look a lot better than poster prints of paintings. The painting would enhance a dining room if hung over a sideboard or to the side of the dining room table. It would also brighten a home office or add a touch of beauty hung over the couch in a living room.

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