Terrazza del caffè la sera
Numero fotogramma: Unframed   Descrizione: Rotolato in un tubo
Interior dimensione: 16" x 20" ( 40 X 51 cm)   Esterno dimensione: 16 x 20"( 40 X 51 cm)

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Terrazza del caffè la sera#ARTS330130

Prezzo di Speciale: 38.33
Prezzo Pittura: 38.33Prezzo Cornice: 0.00
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9" x 12" (24 X 30 cm)217.8238.33
12" x 15" (30 X 38 cm)250.5044.08
16" x 20" (40 X 51 cm)272.2847.91
19" x 24" (48 X 61 cm)354.8762.47
24" x 30" (60 X 76 cm)500.0988.15
28" x 36" (72 X 91 cm)654.38115.36
32" x 40" (80 X 102 cm)769.64135.67
38" x 48" (96 X 122 cm)1010.16178.22
41" x 52" (104 X 132 cm)1140.85201.21
47" x 60" (120 X 152 cm)1412.23249.12
57" x 72" (144 X 183 cm)1855.13327.31
63" x 80" (161 X 203 cm)2171.89383.26
79" x 100" (201 X 254 cm)3036.83535.80
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Artista originale: Vincent Van Gogh    Dipinto a mano artisti di Artisoo.
Dipinti ad olio riprodotti su tela 100% dipinte a mano
Soddisfazione Garantita
  • Cafe Terrace at Night in Living Room
  • Cafe Terrace at Night in Bedroom
  • Cafe Terrace at Night in Office

    L'artista più famoso - Va Gogh

    Uno dei dipinti più famosi di Van Gogh - Il caffè di notte

    Piu' di 1000 famiglie hanno decorato la loro stanza con l Il caffè di notte di Artisoo!

    Vincent Van Gogh (1853 – 1890) was a Dutch post-Impressionist Master whose innovative artwork powerfully influenced modern Expressionism, Fauvism, and early abstraction. Astoundingly prolific, Van Gogh produced all of his work during a 10-year period, at one point, creating 150 paintings and drawings within one year. Tormented by mental illness, Van Gogh ended his brilliant life at 37, on July 29th, 1890 near the beautiful Oise River in France, just like his artwork Sunflowers.

    Kröller-Müller Museum (Otterlo, Netherlands)

    Cafe Terrace at Night was a later painting by Vincent van Gogh which is currently at the Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, Netherlands. This painting is notable for its bold use of color. The first thing the viewer sees when looking at the painting is the bright yellow walls of the cafe. The bold color on the wall of the building in Cafe Terrace at Night is van Gogh's way of showing the light from the lanterns. The lantern's light is so bright that the entire wall becomes saturated with a yellow hue. The yellow color stands in sharp contrast to the deep blue of the sky and to the blue of the other buildings around the cafe.

    "Here you have a night painting without black, with nothing but beautiful blue and violet and green and in this surrounding the illuminated area colors itself sulfur pale yellow and citron green."--Vincent Van Gogh

    Qualità da Museo

    Ogni riproduzione del Il caffè di notte di notte di Van gogh e' ricreata con il duro sforzo e l'interpretazione dell' artista di Artisoo.

    Divenendo un'opera unica e meravigliosa in onore del grande Van Gogh!

    Qualità da museo

    Dipinti a mano di alto livello qualitativo

    Siamo orgogliosi dei nostri lavori.

    Non importa se si fa attenzione ai colori, ai colpi di pennello o alla loro visione generale. I capolavori di Artisoo attragono l’attenzione per il loro livello qualitativo in tutti i loro aspetti.

    High Standard

    Ogni dipinto è realizzato in maniera meticolosa dai nostri artisti nel nostro studio .

    Painting Steps

    Pioneristica cornice artigianale

    Ingegnosa cornice allungabile, senza chiodi o colla, permette un migliore apprezzamento visivo

    Pioneristica Cornice artigianale

    Materiali selezionati accuratamente

    I più raffinati dipinti ad oli, olori brillanti con sfumature vibranti

    Tecnologicamente avanzata cornice in pino, solidi materiali, ricavata ad alte temperature e lucidata con cura

    Tela in lino di autentica alta qualita

    Finely Selected Material

    Pronto per essere appesso

    Imballato e steso su una resistente cornice in legno, pronto per essere appesso, senza necessita' di avere una cornice aggiuntiva.

    Accessori aggiuntivi per aiutarti nel appendere il dipinto sono imballati assieme come: chiodi senza segno, righello per misurazioni, ganchi ecc.

    Risparmia tempo e soldi.


    Imballaggio prottettivo multi-strato

    La qualità dell'imballaggio e della consegna sono di nostra priorità, i materiali che utilizziamo per imballare i nostri prodotti riflettono il nostro impegno.

    Tutti i nostri dipinti sono imballati con pellicola POF, coperti con pluriball e separati da tavole di polisterolo per essere poi messi con molta attenzione in una resistente e solida scatola di cartone.

    POF film on the surface of painting, keeps frictions of the painting.

    Moisture-proof Bubble Film, keeps the painting from water in transit.

    Protective Foam Board fit or fill in the gaps between paintings and cardbox.

    Scegli artisoo, una scelta saggia

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    Dipinti autenticamente realizzati a mano hanno senza dubbio un livello qualitativo superiore di stampe e posters.
    Opzioni di cornice
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    Un regalo unico
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    Buon gusto
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    120,000 clienti da 113 paesi hanno scelto le opere d’arte di Artisoo.


    North Carolina Area
    United States

    Relationship Manager at IBM

    The texturing and colors of my painting is delicate, I was very satisfied with the service, the value, and the quality of the art work itself. For the rest I recommend this site to anybody interesting in art and want to have sth in their house what is special.


    New York,
    United States

    Consultant at McKinsey & Company

    Order arrived after three weeks, packaging was solid and well made, and the painting is exactly as depicted on the website, I have it hanging in my dining room and can still smell the fresh paint today.


    Milton Keynes,
    United Kingdom

    PM at HP Company

    I waited a bit longer than I expected to receive this piece, but I did not mind. I am impressed with the quality. One of the most difficult things to paint is light; the artist has nailed it perfectly.


    Greater Chicago Area
    United States

    Company Partner

    The painting is beautiful, color was as close to web photo as possible. I ordered it as a gift for my mother and she loved it. Though it took a little bit longer than estimated time, the painting is fabulous.

    The Browns

    United States

    Manage a family-owned cafe

    We are 100% satisfied with the painting that artisoo.com did for us! All we can say is, amazing, fantastic, brilliant! It is well worth the reasonable price. Please thank the artist for us and tell him that he is the best.


    Paris Area, France

    School Teacher

    The painting is beautiful, color was as close to web photo as possible. I ordered it as a gift for my mother and she loved it. the painting is fabulous.

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    Terrazza del caffè la sera

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    • 9 × 12 inches
    • 12 × 15 inches
    • 16 × 20 inches
    • 19 × 24 inches
    • 24 × 30 inches
    • 28 × 36 inches
    • 32 × 40 inches
    • 38 × 48 inches
    • 41 × 52 inches
    • 47 × 60 inches
    • 57 × 72 inches
    • 63 × 80 inches
    • 79 × 100 inches

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    Prezzo di Speciale: 38.33
    Prezzo Pittura: 38.33Prezzo Cornice: 0.00