The Death of The Virgin was a sacred theme in the religious art. But Caravaggio ignored the scala's set pieces will, and created this work according to his own life experience and aesthetic principles of creation. What appeared in front of people was such a scene: in a dilapidated cottage on the table, a middle-aged ill woman who had no money to cure and was dead was lying. She was very poor with unkempt hair, and haggard. She died without a pair of socks and shoes and was barefooted to lie on a small wooden bed. Half the body of the virgin was hung in the bed which realistically represented a poor family tragedy in Italy. In the prospect, the girl cried like losing the mother, who was the saint Magdalene. The apostles were depicted the co friends and neighbors with tears in their faces. The painter had no qualms to bring the common people in the sacred art. This painting neither had religious atmosphere nor fictional plot. It was as simple as the life itself. The only gorgeous curtain in the painting was based on the set pieces begged painted. No wonder the church and aristocracy scolded him as the "natural wild".
Allegedly set pieces refused to accept this work, because the greatness, lofty and glory of the virgin were not depicted. The school also accused him of the too indecent bare feet of the virgin. Caravaggio was too stubborn to compromise. Eventually Rubens advised Mandouya Duke to buy that painting. Realism in art creation of Caravaggio's was not personal, but the reflection of the critical thought at that time. Bruno once said that religion could not be counted as truth; everything should go to the bold suspicion and exploration. Caravaggio's painting was the bold suspicion and criticism when religion social image.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a The Death of the Virgin painting which is an oil painting reproduction on canvas in beautiful colors with museum quality. Decorate your home or office with The Death of the Virgin painting from, painted by professional artists' brushstroke-by-brushstroke while paying close attention to detail.
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