Claude Monet, one of the most famous Parisian artists to come out of the Impressionism period, indirectly gave the 19th century movement its name. By naming his painting Impression Sunrise, Claude Monet gave this period of art history its official moniker. The Monet Impression Sunrise painting lent more than just a tag to identify this specific time in art history; it provided an apt description of what impressionism art actually is, how it is painted, and why it packs such a punch. First impressions linger in the human mind, and with Impression Sunrise, Monet showed the beauty and detail the brain captures at first glance. More importantly, Claude Monet Impression Sunrise teaches art experts and novices alike the lack of detail required to create a truly magnificent painting.
With Impression Sunrise, Claude Monet took a brief moment, a glimpse, of what he saw looking out his window at Le Havre harbor. Rather than painstakingly creating the details of his vision for hours on end, the Monet Impression Sunrise used a simpler approach to reflect his viewpoint that famous morning. Claude Monet Impression Sunrise is, oddly, almost dreary at first glance. By painting Impression Sunrise, Monet made a very important point, however, which viewers quickly appreciate when they notice the brilliant orange sun, and its reflection on the harbor's waters, amidst the blue morning fog.
The Monet Impression Sunrise painting defines what impressionist art is. By recreating the simplicity of the harbor, and then splashing the orange sun and its light onto the blue and muddied waters, Claude Monet Impression Sunrise takes the viewer into an altered state of reality, as if they were in a dream. This state of consciousness is the key ingredient to any impressionist piece. Viewers tend to stare at impressionist art, move closer and then walk away; trying to figure out exactly what the piece is telling them. With Impression Sunrise, Claude Monet gives the viewer a delegable impression imprinted in the mind, leaving the person to wonder exactly what portion of the painting holds the most meaning. With Impression Sunrise, Monet also gives viewers a glimpse into the muddled brush strokes and use of color that define the impressionism art period.
Add sophistication to any room with this beautiful Impression Sunrise, you'll be happy you made this choice on! Detail for detail, it looks almost exactly like the original. Your guests will love your new colorful edition!

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