John Singer Sargent was considered as the "leading portrait painter of his generation" for his evocations of Edwardian era luxury. He had painted many famous and successful figure paintings.
This oil painting, A Morning Walk, is a typical figure painting. The lady in the painting is Mrs. Violet Ormond, who was the artist's sister. In a sunny morning, the lady carries a white umbrella, wearing a beautiful straw hat and white skirt, walking leisurely along the river bank. It is a spring or summer morning, since the grass and trees around the river are green and dense. The sun shines in the grass and trees so that we can easily find the color is golden. Moreover, white clouds and blue sky reflect on the river. Therefore, the river is like a beautiful movable scenery painting because it moves with the natural objects and some leaves float on the river. The most important point for a figure painting is the figure's emotion, and the major method to show the figure's emotion is facial expression. In the painting, the painter depicts the lady's side face rather than the whole face. Her face is pink because of the sunlight or joyful mood. She looks down on the ground and walks carefully, fearing slip and fall for the lawn is slippery in the morning. Even though it is dangerous to slip, she is enjoyable. She is emerged in the beautiful morning scenery. She has a good mood and we know she will have a good day. Most important, this Singer Sargent painting makes us having a good mood.
Why settle for a paper print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a high quality 100% hand-painted oil painting on canvas at wholesale price? Order this beautiful oil painting A Morning Walk today on artisoo galley! That's a great way to impress friends, neighbors and clients alike.

Cada pintura es pintada a mano para ti sólo

Pintada a Mano
Cada pintura es pintada a mano en un 100% por artistas experimentados. Nunca usamos la tecnología digital o esquina cortada.

Pinceles grandes
Nuestros artistas profesionales se dedican en cada detalle de obras de arte. Le aseguramos que cada obra de arte será exquisita.

Marco Delicado
Envuelto y estirado en marcos de madera de alta duración y bellos.

Listas para colgar
Nuestras pinturas ya se estiran: los bordes están rematados y cubiertos con lienzo- están listas para colgar en cuanto se sacarán de la caja.

Arte Inspirado
Los motivos originales de Artisoo vienen de las escuelas de arte más prestigiosas y academias de bellas artes.

Óleo Ecológico
Sólo utilizamos pinturas de la calidad de la marca “Marie´s museum”, debido a que son amistosas con el medio ambiente y no se descoloran.