The Red Balloon was painted by the iconic artist Paul Klee in 1922. The colorful display of geometric shapes seemingly floating in the air, offer a unique image. Its cityscape background compliments the vision of vibrant shades of red, yellow, blue and green. Klee skillfully directs the eye to the lone red circular balloon set center stage with his use of shape and form.
Paul Klee masterfully implemented the cubist technique in the design of this painting. The deconstructed shapes and different viewpoints bring life to this abstract design. The use of oil and chalk on muslin helps to bring out the intense colors and show Klee's expertise in color theory.
The sharp lines, bright colors and geometric shapes give The Red Balloon a life of its own. The cubist technique executed by Paul Klee is unmistakable in its implementation. The Red Balloon is a display of abstract style and structure, while its whimsical images seem to amuse its viewer.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Paul Klee painting Red Ballon. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!
Cada pintura es pintada a mano para ti sólo
Pintada a Mano
Cada pintura es pintada a mano en un 100% por artistas experimentados. Nunca usamos la tecnología digital o esquina cortada.
Pinceles grandes
Nuestros artistas profesionales se dedican en cada detalle de obras de arte. Le aseguramos que cada obra de arte será exquisita.
Marco Delicado
Envuelto y estirado en marcos de madera de alta duración y bellos.
Listas para colgar
Nuestras pinturas ya se estiran: los bordes están rematados y cubiertos con lienzo- están listas para colgar en cuanto se sacarán de la caja.
Arte Inspirado
Los motivos originales de Artisoo vienen de las escuelas de arte más prestigiosas y academias de bellas artes.
Óleo Ecológico
Sólo utilizamos pinturas de la calidad de la marca “Marie´s museum”, debido a que son amistosas con el medio ambiente y no se descoloran.