The Magpie is an impressionistic winter landscape painting by Claude Monet. It was painted in the winter of 1868-1869 near Etretat, Normandy. Monet would eventually paint 140 winter landscapes. The Magpie is his largest winter work at 35 inches by 51 inches in size. The extremely innovative painting was initially rejected from The Salon, the annual official art exhibition of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris, as being too "coarse". Nonetheless, it was eventually acquired by the Musee d'Orsay on the Left Bank and quickly became one of its most popular paintings.
A pale, snowy landscape in bright afternoon sun with stark shadows stretches across the canvas. The foreground is entirely snow and shadows. In the mid-ground is a wattle fence with a thick layer of snow. On the far left, a magpie perches on a style that stretches over the fence. In the background is a long, pale tan brick building partly obscured by winter trees. Like many Impressionistic paintings, when viewed from a distance it has an almost photo-realistic quality. Up close the brush strokes and overall design is very soft.
Improve the look of your space by hanging Claude Monet painting The Magpie. Today, this painting is hand-painted by artisoo artists detail by detail, color by color as close to the original oil painting as possible. Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!

Cada pintura es pintada a mano para ti sólo

Pintada a Mano
Cada pintura es pintada a mano en un 100% por artistas experimentados. Nunca usamos la tecnología digital o esquina cortada.

Pinceles grandes
Nuestros artistas profesionales se dedican en cada detalle de obras de arte. Le aseguramos que cada obra de arte será exquisita.

Marco Delicado
Envuelto y estirado en marcos de madera de alta duración y bellos.

Listas para colgar
Nuestras pinturas ya se estiran: los bordes están rematados y cubiertos con lienzo- están listas para colgar en cuanto se sacarán de la caja.

Arte Inspirado
Los motivos originales de Artisoo vienen de las escuelas de arte más prestigiosas y academias de bellas artes.

Óleo Ecológico
Sólo utilizamos pinturas de la calidad de la marca “Marie´s museum”, debido a que son amistosas con el medio ambiente y no se descoloran.