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La Grande Odalisque 1814
Número de Trama: Sin marco   Descripción: Enrollado en un tubo
Tamaño interior: 20" x11" (51 X 29 cm)   Tamaño exterior: 20" x11" (51 X 29 cm)

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La Grande Odalisque 1814#ARTS492838

Precio Especial: 574.94 Kr
Pintura Precio: 574.94 KrMarco Precio: 0.00 Kr
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Day Hour Min Sec
Seleccione el tamañoGallery PrecioArtisoo Precio
12" x 7" (30 X 17 cm)3379.41 Kr574.94 Kr
15" x 9" (38 X 22 cm)3877.00 Kr661.18 Kr
20" x 11" (51 X 29 cm)4219.08 Kr718.68 Kr
24" x 14" (61 X 35 cm)5494.14 Kr937.15 Kr
30" x 17" (76 X 43 cm)7753.99 Kr1322.36 Kr
36" x 20" (91 X 52 cm)10148.61 Kr1730.57 Kr
40" x 23" (102 X 58 cm)11931.61 Kr2035.29 Kr
48" x 27" (122 X 69 cm)15673.85 Kr2673.48 Kr
52" x 30" (132 X 75 cm)17695.27 Kr3018.44 Kr
60" x 34" (152 X 87 cm)21914.36 Kr3737.12 Kr
72" x 41" (183 X 104 cm)28787.21 Kr4910.00 Kr
80" x 45" (203 X 115 cm)33711.21 Kr5749.41 Kr
100" x 57" (254 X 144 cm)47125.20 Kr8037.67 Kr
Seleccione el fotograma
Sin marco0.00 Kr
Estirado849.26 Kr
R2018-218A968.91 Kr
R4613-236974.75 Kr
R5130-2041403.75 Kr
R6035-2201351.22 Kr
R40-0061167.36 Kr
R75-0011459.20 Kr
R75-0021459.20 Kr
R6929-3021257.83 Kr
R7034-2981351.22 Kr
R4827-234869.69 Kr
R3013-2361091.48 Kr
R6731-2261351.22 Kr
R6731-2241351.22 Kr
R2833-2041109.00 Kr
R7034-2961351.22 Kr
R1823-2041091.48 Kr
R45-0091109.00 Kr
R50-0051284.10 Kr
R65-003-11225.73 Kr
R5130-2341397.92 Kr
R8645-2981780.23 Kr
Artista original: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres    Pintado a mano por artistas de Artisoo.
Reproducciones de pinturas al óleo en lienzos Pintado a mano 100%
Satisfacción garantizada

Su historial reciente

The painting was commissioned by Napoleon's sister, Queen Caroline Murat of Naples, and finished by Ingres in 1814. Ingres drew upon works such as Dresden Venus by Giorgione, and Titian's Venus of Urbino as inspiration for his reclining nude figure, though the actual pose of a reclining figure looking back over her shoulder is directly drawn from the 1809 Portrait of Madame Récamier by Jacques-Louis David. Ingres portrays a concubine in languid pose as seen from behind with distorted proportions. The small head, elongated limbs, and cool color scheme all reveal influences from Mannerists such as Parmigianino, whose Madonna with the Long Neck was also famous for anatomical distortion.

This eclectic mix of styles, combining classical form with Romantic themes, prompted harsh criticism when it was first shown in 1814. Critics viewed Ingres as a rebel against the contemporary style of form and content. When the painting was first shown in the Salon of 1819, one critic remarked that the work had "neither bones nor muscle, neither blood, nor life, nor relief, indeed nothing that constitutes imitation". This echoed the general view that Ingres had disregarded anatomical realism. Ingres instead favored long lines to convey curvature and sensuality, as well as abundant, even light to tone down the volume. Ingres continued to be criticized for his work until the mid-1820s.

Stemming from the initial criticism the painting received, the figure in Grande Odalisque is thought to be drawn with "two or three vertebrae too many." Critics at the time believed the elongations to be errors on the part of Ingres, but recent studies show the elongations to have been deliberate distortions. Measurements taken on the proportions of real women showed that Ingres's figure was drawn with a curvature of the spine and rotation of the pelvis impossible to replicate. It also showed the left arm of the odalisque is shorter than the right. The study concluded that the figure was longer by five instead of two or three vertebrae and that the excess affected the lengths of the pelvis and lower back instead of merely the lumbar region.

Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!


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  • 12 × 7 inches
  • 15 × 9 inches
  • 20 × 11 inches
  • 24 × 14 inches
  • 30 × 17 inches
  • 36 × 20 inches
  • 40 × 23 inches
  • 48 × 27 inches
  • 52 × 30 inches
  • 60 × 34 inches
  • 72 × 41 inches
  • 80 × 45 inches
  • 100 × 57 inches

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Precio Especial: 574.94 Kr
Pintura Precio: 574.94 KrMarco Precio: 0.00 Kr
Sin marco0.00 Kr
Estirado849.26 Kr
R2018-218A968.91 Kr
R4613-236974.75 Kr
R5130-2041403.75 Kr
R6035-2201351.22 Kr
R40-0061167.36 Kr
R75-0011459.20 Kr
R75-0021459.20 Kr
R6929-3021257.83 Kr
R7034-2981351.22 Kr
R4827-234869.69 Kr
R3013-2361091.48 Kr
R6731-2261351.22 Kr
R6731-2241351.22 Kr
R2833-2041109.00 Kr
R7034-2961351.22 Kr
R1823-2041091.48 Kr
R45-0091109.00 Kr
R50-0051284.10 Kr
R65-003-11225.73 Kr
R5130-2341397.92 Kr
R8645-2981780.23 Kr