Completed sometime around 1817, The Forge is a large, oil on canvas painting by the Spanish artist, Francisco Goya. The painting focuses entirely on three men at work around a blacksmith's anvil. The character on the left of the painting is crouching behind the anvil, facing forward, and is using a tongs to hold a heated metal object steady on the anvil.
In the center of the painting, with his back to the viewer, is the blacksmith, holding aloft a sledgehammer. The third figure is a man, clearly older than the other two, bent double over the anvil. This figure is only partially visible, and it is unclear what he is doing.
The walls and flooring of the forge are depicted in shades of dark grays and blues and are devoid of any features. The blacksmith wears a light-colored shirt with rolled up sleeves, and gray leggings. The left legging has dropped around the forger's ankle, revealing his calf. The man with the tongs is dressed completely in black. His shirt has short sleeves and his shoulders are also exposed. The third man is fully clothed. The visible flesh and the blacksmith's shirt provide the only light coloring in the scene. There is a small splash of vivid red representing the hot metal.
Improve the look of your space by hanging a Francisco Goya The Forge. Today this painting has been carefully recreated detail-by-detail to near perfection as a complete canvas art reproduction. Why settle for a print when you can add sophistication to your rooms with a beautiful fine gallery reproduction oil painting? Why not grace your home with this reproduced masterpiece? It is sure to bring many admirers!
Cada pintura es pintada a mano para ti sólo
Pintada a Mano
Cada pintura es pintada a mano en un 100% por artistas experimentados. Nunca usamos la tecnología digital o esquina cortada.
Pinceles grandes
Nuestros artistas profesionales se dedican en cada detalle de obras de arte. Le aseguramos que cada obra de arte será exquisita.
Marco Delicado
Envuelto y estirado en marcos de madera de alta duración y bellos.
Listas para colgar
Nuestras pinturas ya se estiran: los bordes están rematados y cubiertos con lienzo- están listas para colgar en cuanto se sacarán de la caja.
Arte Inspirado
Los motivos originales de Artisoo vienen de las escuelas de arte más prestigiosas y academias de bellas artes.
Óleo Ecológico
Sólo utilizamos pinturas de la calidad de la marca “Marie´s museum”, debido a que son amistosas con el medio ambiente y no se descoloran.