In a series of Renoir’s works that present ladies reading, Monet’s wife has been one of the models. We can imagine that when Renoir was painting attentively, he glimpsed the girl who was reading. She was sitting leisurely by the window. Bathing in the sunshine, her face glistens in the sun. What a wonderful picture! Immediately, Renoir took out a canvas and began to paint while the girl was not noticing.
Lights reflected from the book make her face look gentler and clearer. The luster on her forehead seems from the internal. Looking at this painting, we will naturally be moved by its peace and softness. Her quiet temperament and demure manner give viewers a deep impression. The clothes she wears match the background so well that they form one integrated mass. The white spots, representing the sunlight, drop on her face. The girl concentrates her focus on the book in front of her, turning her face half round. All these elements – colors and lights, show us a warm picture of a girl reading in a quiet surrounding.
This painting demonstrates the core of painting in France in 19th century. The painting brush is like a jumping musical note. When here is a heavy mark, there will be a light stroke. In this painting, the golden hair radiates brilliant light. It seems the book is also covered by golden beams. This painting technique can be seen in her lips, eyes and brows.
The theme of this painting can easily be seen from the colors and the lights, which properly describe the temperament of the girl who enjoys reading. Most of Renoir’s paintings about women are full of an air of loveliness, gentleness and sexiness. However, this A Girl Reading is different. Renoir described women as intellectual and elegant, which conveys his respect and understanding to intellectual at that time.
Why not grace your home with this oil painting reproduction from Artisoo? It is sure that you will be proud of your taste and your guests will love your new décor edition!

Cada pintura es pintada a mano para ti sólo

Pintada a Mano
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Pinceles grandes
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Marco Delicado
Envuelto y estirado en marcos de madera de alta duración y bellos.

Listas para colgar
Nuestras pinturas ya se estiran: los bordes están rematados y cubiertos con lienzo- están listas para colgar en cuanto se sacarán de la caja.

Arte Inspirado
Los motivos originales de Artisoo vienen de las escuelas de arte más prestigiosas y academias de bellas artes.

Óleo Ecológico
Sólo utilizamos pinturas de la calidad de la marca “Marie´s museum”, debido a que son amistosas con el medio ambiente y no se descoloran.