Oil painting is enduring in the world, which is accepted by more and more countries. In Chinese paintings market has gradually become matured. A large number of well-educated art lovers with the new concept become the collectors. The following article is about the painting collection:
Firstly, before you buy a painting you should know how the painter’s techniques are. You can see the painter’s attitude, skill as well as his love for the painting. Generally you can also experience the feeling when he creates it. The drawing of good works must be impeccable.
Secondly, the good works should have the independent discourse right, independent creation style and expression methods. The work itself can give you more information, and not depend on the introduction or the background to set off. The painting with clever expression does not impose more ideas to the vision.
Thirdly, good work will communicate to you more sense of cultural origin with their more cultural elements and not obey the rule that the art is subject to the business and the custom, because the culture can not be imitated. Too many style elements dependent on the foreign countries and compromise in business are very difficult to last for long.
Fourth, the artist must be calm, persistent, brilliant and serious. He needs to firmly adhere to the inner heart and the art. In the face of collectors and external public opinion he should have his own ideas.
Fifth, the good works will build a good connection with your inner heart and shock your vision. A work which can move you and others is the great work that you have found. Oil painting collection need the keen appreciation, I believe you will find your beloved masterpiece.