Ode to Chinese Flowering Crabapples
The breeze is sweeping gently, the autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp.
Within such a pleasant day, you can hardly image that in the Story of Stone,
a maiden was so sad that
“grieved over the years, flowers are moved to tears;
Seeing us apart, birds cry with broken heart.”
Enjoy it both in English version and Chinese version.
Ode to Chinese Flowering Crabapples
Translated by David Hawkes
Beside the half-raised blind, the half-closed door,
Crushed ice for earth and white jade for pot,
three parts of whiteness from the pear-tree stolen,
One part from plum for scent(which pear has not)-
Moon-maidens stitched them with white silken thread,
And virgins' tears the new-made flowers did spot,
Which now, like bashful maids that no word say,
Lean languid on the breeze at close of day.