How to Paint Plum Blossoms

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A plum blossom is the traditional Chinese symbol of hope, because the flowers bloom just as winter is ending, offering the promise of spring. Many artists prefer watercolor paint for plum blossoms, because watercolors blend and bleed into the paper, softening the square petals of the blossoms. You may choose to paint a plum blossom with other types of paint, such as acrylic or finger paints; however, watercolors will provide the look of soft, delicate petals for which plum blossom paintings are famous.
Dip a stiff, dry paintbrush in black or dark brown paint to create the branch. Begin on one side of the paper using several strokes to form the main section of the branch. Paint progressively smaller branches connected to the main branch across the page.
Dip a new, softer brush in clean water. Load the brush with white paint and then dip the tip of the brush slightly into red paint. Hold the brush at an angle and dot petals onto the branch. Simply press the brush to the page and the watercolor paint will soften the edges of the slightly squared petals. A plum blossom has five petals, but not every blossom on the page will have five visible petals. Add a few buds with just a single petal. Create as few or as many blossoms as you like along the branch.
Clean the brush and load it with a dark crimson color. Add stems to the petals connecting them to the branch.
Clean the brush thoroughly and dip it into the crimson color. Layer the red with a bit of green or yellow on the brush to add detail. Paint a circle in the center of each petal group with three to six spiky stems reaching out of the flower from the circle. Create the spikes with sharp, thin strokes that extend just slightly beyond the petals.
Dip the brush in white paint and then barely touch the brush to yellow paint. Touch the tip of the brush to most of the spikes extending from the center of the blooms.
answered Jun 7, 2013