I'd like to buy an original Monet painting. How much would it cost?

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Suppose I wanted an _original_ Monet painting to hang in my house. Not a not a copy painting, an original by Claude Monet himself. How much would this cost? Yes, there's a range -- what would it be? And yes, I expect it's expensive.

asked Jun 7, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

0 votes

I would suggest starting your research on line instead of asking inexperienced art estimators. NO direct pun to any other answers intended.

answered Jun 7, 2013
0 votes

There's an old saying that applies here..."if you have to ask...you CAN'T afford it" I don't know about Monets, but one of Van Gogh's Sunflowers went for $96 million about 5 years ago. I'm no art appraiser, but I'd guess an oil work would go for between 12 ( a small study) and 100 million.

answered Jun 7, 2013