Informations about the painting "Soldier and Girl at Station" by Alex Colville?

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the paint Soldier and Girl at Station 1953 by Alex Colville.

Can you help me find these informations.

1) What technique is used? ( acrylic, collage, etc.)
2) date of execution
3) what it represents
4) give an appreciation on this painting....

thank you.
asked May 27, 2013 in Drawing Techniques

1 Answer

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1) The medium is tempera on hardboard. (this is not the technique ,BTW)
2) painted in 1953.
3) It represents a soldier going off to war and hugging his girl goodbye.
4) I find it cold as I do all of Colville's work. Shamed to say so because we are both in the same province but I have to be honest.

answered May 27, 2013