What are the 10 Expressionism Facts?

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asked Nov 15, 2013 in History

1 Answer

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1. Expressionism is a term used to denote the use of distortion and exaggeration for emotional effect, which first surfaced in the art literature of the early twentieth century.

2. Expressionist painting typically show intense color, agitated brushstrokes, and disjointed space.

3. Expressionism distorts reality for emotional effect, to evoke moods or ideas.

4. Expressionism was a cultural movement expressing emotionality in painting, literature, theatre, dance, film, architecture and music.

5. But, there has never been a distinct movement that called itself "expressionism".

6. Antonín Matějček in 1910 called expressionism the opposite of impressionism: "An Expressionist wishes, above all, to express himself... (an Expressionist rejects) immediate perception and builds on more complex psychic structures.

7. Otto Dix, Max Beckman. Lionel Feinenger and George Grosz are four famous German Expressionist painters.

8. Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka are the two most gamous Austrian expressionists.

9. Chaim Sountine and Georeges Roualt are two famous French Expressionists painters.

10. "View of Toledo" by El Greco, 1595/1610 has been pointed out to bear a particularly striking resemblance to 20th century expressionism. Historically speaking it is however part of the Mannerist movement.
answered Nov 15, 2013