How do you paint 'abstract' art?

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I want to try painting with acrylics (which I'm not that great at) and don't want to paint real life as most of the stuff around me is quite boring. 
How do I paint something surreal/fantastical/fake like a large volcano or Satan (for example) but somehow manage to get good detail like I'm studying off a subject?

asked May 27, 2013 in Drawing Techniques

1 Answer

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If you want to paint thing that are not in the world in front of you, but have a lot of good detail you can make small studies (sketches) of textures shapes anatomy etc. and use them as reference when you work on your painting.

This is NOT abstract art though. Abstraction means to reduce something to its basic essential qualities. In painting that means reducing the idea of painting and the materials to their basic essential qualities (surface, color, form, and flatness for example). There are different types of abstraction (Lyrical Abstraction, Abstract Expressionism, Geometric Abstraction etc.) but one thing they have in common is that they are not representational in they way that you want to be painting.

answered May 27, 2013