What stylistic period is "The Icebergs" by Frederic Edwin Church from?

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asked Aug 12, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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Frederic Edwin Church belonged to the Hudson River School of landscape painting which flourished during the middle decades of the 19th century. Thomas Cole was the founder of this movement which inspired an intensely romantic view of the American landscape. The Hudson River artists aimed to show nature in all of its majesty. Church studied under Cole. Other painters of this school were Asher B. Durand, Albert Bierstadt, John Frederick Kensett, George Inness and Thomas Moran. The Hudson River painters did much of their work in the Hudson River in upper New York state. Although artists like Bierstadt and Moran went further afield like to the American West, Europe and South America. I hope that this has been a help to you.
answered Aug 12, 2013