How to Decorate a Room That's Painted in Dark Colors

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asked Aug 10, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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Dark colors are a majestic addition to most rooms, but they can easily become overwhelming. To decorate a room that's been painted in dark colors, you'll want to find ways to counteract the darkness of the walls without detracting from the richness of the paint. This isn't as hard as you might think.

    1    Choose sheer curtains to let in all the natural daylight possible. This will prevent the room from becoming too dark.

    2    Invest in a lot of little lamps to help set the tone around the room when the sun goes down. Rather than buying one or two lamps and putting in light bulbs of a high wattage, buy many little lamps and put in lower wattage bulbs to create a sense of atmosphere and mood.

    3    Add accessories to the room in lighter colors that complement the darker color of the walls. For example, in a room painted with deep blue or green walls, gold highlights placed around the room will make the room seem luminous but rich. These accessories may be in the form of pillows, figurines, picture frames and even a rug.

    4    Choose furniture for the room that is made from fabric that brings out the color of the walls without emphasizing the darkness of the walls. For example, in the case of a room where the walls have been painted dark green, lighter green and sage green furniture will reinforce the color of the walls without dragging down the atmosphere of the room.
answered Aug 10, 2013