Purchase supplies from your local craft store for your slate sign: air-drying polymer clay, oil paints, 1/8-inch thick cotton rope, paint brushes and super glue. If you don't already have your slate, it is available from home improvement stores or certain craft stores.
Use your oil paint and a brush to paint the background color of your sign. Test a small area first to be sure you like the color. White paint can be added to lighten, and black to darken, any color. Set your slate aside on a flat surface to dry.
Roll out some polymer clay until it is a long snake shape about 3/4-inch thick and 17 inches long. Cut one section 4 inches long, and mold it into a lower case "m." Set it on a flat surface to dry. For the "W" cut a section about 3 inches long. Form the "W," and set it aside to dry.
Continue this same process for each letter. Use two 2-inch sections for the "e"s, a 1 1/2-inche section for the "l", a 3-inch section for the "c," and a 2 1/12-inch section for the "o." Allow all of your letters to dry, and then paint them whatever color you like.
Use super glue or hot glue to fix the letters to your slate. Arrange them in an arch shape or straight across. To avoid crooked letters, hold a ruler under the area where you want the letters. Allow the glue to dry.
Use your paint to decorate with a design or some flowers on the rest of your slate. Consider painting the family name under the word welcome. For example, your sign could read "welcome to the Brown's."
Put a 1/2-inch drill bit into your drill, and make 2 holes, about 4 inches apart at the top of your sign. Make the holes at least 2 inches from the top to avoid cracking your slate.
Cut a 6-inch section of your cotton rope, and string it through your drilled holes. Knot the ends to hold the rope in place. Hang the sign outside your front door, or in an entrance way.